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Cetmix Tower Git

Cetmix Tower Git manages Git Projects that produce specialized configuration files. These files can be used by various software tools to perform Git-related tasks.
Those tools are run with Commands and can be included in complex automation workflows using Flight Plans.

Currently the only supported format is the Git Aggregator, developed by ACSONE, which is a leading contributor to the OCA.
However this module can easily be extended to support other formats.

Video Tutorial

Following video provides a brief overview of the Git Projects functionality.


To use these functionalities, you must have the Cetmix Tower Git cetmix_tower_git module installed. For further details, please refer to the Installing the Modules section of the documentation.

Access Rules

Group Action Condition
User - No access
Manager R User is added in "Users" or "Managers"
Manager CRU User is added in "Managers"
Manager CRUD User is added in "Managers" and record is created by the user
Root CRUD Any record


CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete.

Git Project Configuration

Git Projects are located under the Cetmix Tower > Tools > Git Projects menu.

Git Project List

Git Project consists of Git Sources, each of those can contain multiple Git Remotes.

Git Project Form

Git Project Fields

Field Description
Name Project name
Reference Used for Odoo automation and YAML export/import. Leave blank to generate it automatically.
Servers List of Servers where the project is used. This field is readonly and is filled automatically.
Sources Project Git Sources.
Files Files that are linked to the Project.


  • Sources where all remotes are private are marked light blue.
  • Sources where some of remotes are private are marked light yellow.

Git Sources

Git Source represents a cumulative set of Git Remotes which are fetched into a single destination (eg a directory on a server).

Git Source Form

Field Description
Name Source name
Reference Used for Odoo automation and YAML export/import. Leave blank to generate it automatically.
Sequence Sequence number for sorting. Lower number means higher position in the list.
Enabled Whether the source is used for the file generation.
Remotes List of Git Remotes which are fetched into a single directory.


The first one remote in the list will be used as a 'merge target'. You can re-arrange remotes by dragging them or changing their 'sequence' field value.

Git Remotes

Git Remote represents a specific branch, commit or Pull/Merge Request in a Git repository.

Git Remote Form

Field Description
Sequence Sequence number for sorting. Lower number means higher position in the list.
Enabled Whether the remote is used for the file generation.
Is Private If enabled this remote will be treated as a private repository when formatting linked files.
URL Protocol Protocol used to fetch the remote. Detected automatically based on the URL.
Repository Provider Repository provider. Detected automatically based on the URL, can be adjusted manually.
URL Repository URL.
Head Type Type of the head of the remote. Detected automatically based on the URL, can be adjusted manually.
Head Head of the remote.


Following providers are currently supported:

  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • Bitbucket
  • Other

May not work for some on-premises installation URLs.


Following head types are currently supported:

  • Branch
  • Pull/Merge Request
  • Commit

Detection currently works for GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket only.


As for January 2023 Bitbucket doesn't support fetchingPRs.

Linking Git Project to Files

Git Project can be connected with Files which content will be automatically generated based on the selected format. Linked files are updated automatically each time the Git Project is updated.

Git Project Files

Field Description
Git Aggregator Root Dir Indicates the root directory for the files exported in the Git Aggregator format.
Server Server which hosts the linked file.
File File which is linked to the Git Project.
Format Format used to save data to the linked file.


Same file can be linked to multiple Git Projects. However this is not recommended and may lead to unexpected results.


Linked Git Projects are also available in the "Git Projects" tab of the Server form.

Server Git Projects

File Content

File content is generated based on the Format value of the Project->File link.
Below is an example of the file content in the Git Aggregator format which is generated from the project shown in the screenshots above.

# This file is generated with Cetmix Tower
# It's designed to be used with git-aggregator tool developed by Acsone.
# Documentation for git-aggregator:

# You need to set the following variables in your environment:
# and run git-aggregator with '--expand-env' parameter.

  - remote: remote_1
    ref: 14.0-dev
  - remote: remote_2
    ref: refs/pull/176/head
  target: remote_1
  - remote: remote_1
    ref: '14.0'
  target: remote_1
    depth: 1
    remote_1: https://$
  - remote: remote_1
    ref: '14.0'
  target: remote_1
    depth: 1
  - remote: remote_1
    ref: dev
  - remote: remote_2
    ref: '1234567890'
  target: remote_1
    remote_1: https://$GITLAB_TOKEN_NAME:$
  - remote: remote_1
    ref: main
  - remote: remote_2
    ref: merge-requests/1234/head
  - remote: remote_3
    ref: '333222111'
  target: remote_1


  • Remotes with is_private set to True are formatted based on the Repository Provider and URL Protocol field values. Environment variables thar are used to fetch private repositories are listed in the comment at the top of the file.
  • ref field is formatted based on the Git Remote Head Type and Repository Provider field values.
  • target is always the first remote in the list.
  • Sources with a single remote have the defaults section with the depth field set to 1. This is done to avoid fetching the entire repository history.