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Files are used to store and manage files on remote servers. For example configuration files, log files, etc.

Access Rules

Group Access Level
User R: User is a Follower of the related Server
Manager CRU: User is a Follower of the related Server
Root CRUD: any record


CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete

File Configuration

Files are located under the Cetmix Tower > Files > Files menu.

File List


File Form

Field Description
Name Filename as it is stored on the remote server.
Source File source.
File type File type.
File This field is used to store binary file data and is visible only for Binary files.
Template File Template used to render this file. If selected, the file will be automatically updated whenever this template is modified.
Server Server where this file is located.
Directory on Server This is where the file is located on the remote server.
Full Server Path Full path to the file on the remote server, including the filename.
Keep when deleted If enabled, the file will be kept on the remote server after removing it in Odoo.
Auto Sync If enabled, the file will be automatically uploaded to the remote server after it is modified in Cetmix Tower. Used only with Tower source.
Last Sync Date Last time the file was uploaded/downloaded to/from the remote server.

Notebook Tabs

Tab Description
Code Raw file content. This field is editable for the Tower files and readonly for Server ones. This field supports Variables and Secrets.
Preview This is a rendered file content as it will be uploaded to server. Used only with Tower source.
Server Version Current file content fetched from server. Used only with Tower source.


To edit a File that is linked to a File Template click the Modify Code button. This will unlink File from the File Template and allow you to edit the file content.

File Sources

Type Description
Server Files that are initially located on remote server and are fetched to Cetmix Tower. For example log files.
Tower Files that are initially formed in Cetmix Tower and are uploaded to remote server. For example configuration files. Such files are rendered using Variables and Secrets.

File Types

Type Description
Text Regular text. Eg configuration file or log.
Binary Binary file. Eg file archive or pdf document.


File operations are performed using user credentials from server configuration. You should take care of filesystem access rights to ensure that file operations are performed without any issues.