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Server is the core component of the Cetmix Tower designed to connect and manage remote servers.

Servers are located under the Cetmix Tower > Servers > Servers menu.

Server Kanban

Server Configuration

General Settings

Server Form

Field Description
Name Server name
Reference Used for Odoo automation and YAML export/import. Leave blank to generate it automatically.
Color Used for more convenient identification in the kanban view.
Partner Partner associated with this Server.
Operating System OS running on the Server.
Tags User-defined search tags for filtering and searching.
IPv4 Address Server IPv4 address or URL without a protocol (e.g.,
IPv6 Address Server IPv6 address, used if IPv4 is not specified.
SSH Auth Mode Options: "Password" or "Key".
SSH Port Specify the SSH port.
SSH Username Username for SSH login.
Use sudo Specify if sudo is required by default for all commands on this Server.
SSH Password Required if Auth Mode is "Password" or if running sudo commands with a password.
SSH Private Key Used for authentication if SSH Auth Mode is "Key".
Note Optional comments or notes for the user.


Status Widget

The Status field displays the current server status intended to update automatically via external APIs or Odoo automatization flows. Following statuses are available:

  • Undefined (default)
  • Stopped
  • Starting
  • Running
  • Stopping
  • Restarting


Configuration Tab

Define Configuration Variables for rendering Commands and Files on this server.


Secrets Tab

Store secret values required for rendering commands and files. For detailed instructions, refer to Configuring Keys/Secrets.

Server Logs

Logs Tab

Configure server logs for easy access. Logs can be fetched either from Files or Commands. For setup instructions, see Configuring a Server Log.

Action Buttons

Form Smart Buttons

The following smart buttons are available at the top of the form:

  • Command Logs: Displays all Command logs for this server.
  • Flight Plan Logs: Shows all Flight Plan logs.
  • Files: Lists all Files associated with this server.