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Server Logs

Server Logs are used to fetch and view logs of a server fast and convenient way. To configure a Server Log open the server form, navigate to the Server Logs tab and add a new record in the list.

Access Rules

Group Action Condition
User R Access level is "User" and user is added in "Users" in related Servers
Manager R Access level is "Manager" or less and user is added in "Users" or "Managers" in related Servers
Manager CRU Access level is "Manager" or less and user is added in "Managers" in related Servers
Manager CRUD Access level is "Manager" and user is added in "Managers" in related Servers and record is created by the user
Root CRUD Any record


CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete.

Server Logs Configuration

Servers Logs are located in the "Server Logs" tab of the Server form.

Server logs tab


Command Type Server logs command form

File Type Server logs file form

Field Description
Name Readable name of the log.
Access Level Minimum access level required to access this this Server Log.
Log Type Defines the way logs are fetched.
Command A command that is used to fetch the logs. This option is available only log type set to Command. Important: please ensure that the selected command can be executed multiple times in parallel to avoid any potential issues.
Use Sudo Use sudoif required to run this command.
File A file that is used to fetch the log. This option is not available when configuring a log for a Server Template.
File Template A file template that is used to create a file when a new Server is created from a Server Template. This option is available only when configuring a log for a Server Template.

Log Type

Log Type Description
Command Log is fetched from a Command output.
File Log is fetched from a File content.


Log output supports HTML formatting. You can implement your custom log formatter by overriding the _format_log_text() function of the cx.tower.server.log model.